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Get a load of these wacky facts!
I think you will find these facts enjoyable. So, well, enjoy! :)

Spooky Facts
Statistically, someone within 200 miles of your town claims to have had direct contact with a monster, ghost, or any unexplainable being.

Most ghosts appear within 6 feet of people. If you try to touch them, talk to them, or turn on a light, they disappear.

Most ghosts appear for less then a minute, often less then 15 seconds.

Most ghost sightings take place at midnight or between 4 a.m. and 6 a.m. Ghosts are usually seen inside houses--and the most frequently haunted part of the house is the staircase.

Someone on Earth reports seeing a UFO every 3 minutes. In the US, reported sightings are most likely to occur at 9 PM or 3 AM in July.

Sine 1954, more than 50 ships and aircrafts have disappeared inside the Bermuda Triangle.

Half the photos of UFOs turn out to be Venus; another 30% are airplanes, and most of the rest are stars or streetlights. Only 3 of 100 UFOs are real UFOs.
  Creepy Creatures.
The total weight of ants is greater then the weight of all of the other animals in the world combined!

A Hercules Beetle can haul a 5-pound weight. A person as strong as that beetle could lift a fully loaded dump truck!

Honeybees have hairs on their eyes.

Ants stretch when they wake up in the morning.

A termite queen of a colony has a tiny little ant head and a fat worm body. She lays about 30,000 eggs a day--almost an egg a second.

Female Black Widow venom is 15 times as deadly as a rattlesnake bite.

The praying mantis is the only insect that is religous. (Just Kidding)

A cockroach passes gas every 15 minutes. >_<

Some South American tarantulas can grow as large as dinner plates.

Pet Particulars
In Tokyo, Japan, you can buy a toupee for your dog!

The chow chow, which has a purple tounge, is sacred in China. One Chinese emporer kept 5,000 of these dogs!

A 4-month old kitten followed mountain climbers to the top of the Matterhorn in the Alps--14,691 feet!

A cat has 230 bones in its body. That's why it is so flexible and can bend and twist its body when grooming itself.

Gerbils in the wild thump out warnings with their hind legs. When they're really happy, they jump for joy with all 4 paws in the air.

Some puppies wear braces to straighten their teeth.

Rabbits take about 18 naps a day.

Goldfish remember better in cold water then hot water.

Cats spend about 70% of the day sleeping and 15% of the day grooming.

The smallest dog ever was a 4-ounce Yorkshire terrier that stood 2 and a half inches high. The largest cat ever was a male tabby that weighed 46 pounds.

Money Clips
More Monopoly money is printed in a year than all the real paper money printed throughout the world.

A stack of $1 bills one-mile high would be worth more than million

If you stacked one million dollars in $1 bills, the pile of money would weigh 2,040.8 pounds. If you used bills, the stack would only weigh 20.4 pounds.

The U.S. government priented , $1,000, 5,000, and 10,000 bills, but discontinued them in 1969 due to lack of use.

If you had billion and spent one dollar each day, it would take you 317 years to go broke.

America once issued a 5-cent bill.

All the people on U.S. coins under $1 face to the left except one: Abraham Lincoln on the penny,

Today coins are stamped with the motto "E Pluribus Unum" (which means, "Out of many, one") In 1727, pennies had a simplier motto: "Mind your own business."

Dog teeth were used as money in New Guinea's Admiralty Islands.

Body Bits
Left-handed people tend to scratch themselves with their right hand, and right-handed people use their left hand.

Like fingerprints, everyone's tounge print is different.

You blink about 84 million times a year.

In your lifetime, you will breathe enough air to fill 2 and a half large blimps.

Fingernails grow 4 times faster then toe nails.

You are a quarter inch taller when you wake up in the morning than going to bed.

A person who doesn't brush or floos regularly can have as many as 1 billion bacteria on each tooth.

On most human hands, the length of the middle finger is the same length as the width of their hand.

Wacky Facts
The average elevator travels about 10,000 miles a year.

Most butterflies love sunlight so much that they refuse to fly when it is overcast.

Hard Rock Music makes termites chew through wood twice their normal speed.

Raw eggs won't spin, but cooked eggs will.

Astronauts can't cry about being homsesick. There's no gravity in outer space, and tears won't flow without it.

Fish can't swim backward.

Mosquitoes are more likely to take a nip at you if you've just eaten a banana.

Chewing gum while peeling onions will prevent you from crying.