Welcome to the C8 Dragon
Home Page

About D.W.

Random Picture Gallery

Contact Me

Cool Links

Guest Book


Fun With Stupidity

Weird Yet True

Haunted Locations in Houston

Harry Potter

Castle Infinity

SFAW's Roller Coasters

Funny Signs


Kibo Pages

Welcome to D.W.'s website!
Hey! I am aware that most visitors here know who I am, because the majority of the population who enters this site I either introduced to this site personally, or got the website off of my message board profile or something. If you don't know who I am, I just go by D.W. here. (D.W. stands for Dragon Wing, it's not some Darkwing Duck or Arthur runoff.)
Anyway, yeah, this site has been around since June of 2002. Now it's Febraury 2005 (maybe), and this site is turning 3 this year. I plan to do, er, something then. ^^
Site News

A little while ago, a good friend of mine, Chris Cobb, chipped in to this website to make it it's own domain. Meaning www.c8dragon.com, and not c8dragon.freewebspace.com. Thanks! ^_^
Okay, I just recently noticed that some of the stuff here is extremely outdated. So now, I plan to fix that. I'm also planning a GIANT new page that I think you will like. Hopefully I'll get finished with that by tonight. Stay tuned!


Hi! I'm talking to you from school. Also, I might finally work on that web page I talked about tonight. OK.

SINCE 7/19/03
1.) I edited the Guest Book sign-in page so you don't have to sign in if you want to view the guestbook!

2.) I added the SFAW's Roller Coasters page.

3.) I edited the Castle Infinity page just a bit.

4.)I added a Funny Signs page. WARNING: not everything in there is G rated.

5.) I edited the Harry Potter page to meet certain standards.

6.) I edited the About D.W. and Contact Me pages a bit.

7.) I added an FAQ page. (It's not a real FAQ, by the way, it's supposed to be a funny page.)

8.) I edited the Corkboards so that you can see posts made in 2002!

9.) I added a Worldwide Hauntings page, which I coded totally by hand! Therefore, 2 banners appeared, eh, I'll work on that.

10.) I added the Fun With Stupidity Page.

11.) Added a site logo. I am actully proud of it.

Updates in my Life

I am now on Summer Vacation. It's not that bad, I still talk to people on the phone and on the internet and stuff, so it isn't lonely as heck. My grandmother recently died at Bingo. Now my Dad has no parents left. That's pretty sad. Oh well. That' basically all that is new.

Visit Castle Infinity

Pop Ups

I recently found out that this site still has pop ups. There's an easy way to fix that. Get rid of your crappy browser and get a better one like Mozilla Firefox. It automatically blocks popups, you don't have to get any extra installations or anything. It's already in there. Doesn't that sound grand? I use it, I have never once gotten a pop up. It's cool. You should get it! And here's a whole page dedicated to why you sould get it - <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/why/">Here</a>

Poll of the week

Castle Infinity

Copyright 2003 by D.W.